community4you recognized as TOP 100 Innovator
Chemnitz-based software manufacturer comes out on top after scientific selection process

At its core, innovation researcher Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke and his team from the Vienna University of Economics and Business raised the question of whether innovations are the result of planned procedures or a coincidence. community4you convinced with ist consistent innovation management.

The basis of every innovation is knowledge. At community4you, we emphasise the importance of continuous training. In addition, we have incorporated flat structures and short decision-making paths. The management calls on the employees in regular direct exchange to develop their own solutions, we leave room for creativity and promote innovative ideas. Innovation is a task in which all employees are involved; a shared responsibility. And of course we also set incentives for particularly innovative employees.
Fleet Software that sets Standards
- fleet management software comm.fleet,
- leasing management software,
- mobile applications,
- vehicle procurement software,
- object and asset management software comm.object and
- telematics software comm.gps.
The community4you integration platform, called open-EIS, ensures that the in-house standard software and mobile applications can be customized to the highest degree and used in practically any IT environment without being tied to operating systems. Every customer receives a tailor-made solution that corresponds 100% to their standards and processes - as software as a service from the cloud or locally installed on premise. No other fleet software on the market is so flexible to use.
The software and mobile applications from community4you have a modular structure and can be combined with one another to form a comprehensive mobility management system. But the individual modules also fit seamlessly into existing systems and even network third-party software. This increases transparency and facilitates controlling, saves time in data maintenance and enables the comprehensive automation of business processes.
Staying on Top of the Competition
In recent years, the focus of innovation work at community4you has been on artificial intelligence and mobile applications for fleet managers and fleet users. Here, too, the company set new standards: With the product, community4you does not offer a stripped-down compromise for the smartphone, as is common with apps from other providers, but a full-fledged business application with maximum performance on mobile devices.
The development in the software area is extremely fast. Our innovative strength is our main asset and our life insurance. Our aim is and will remain to set trends and constantly redefine the standard of our industry.
TOP 100: the Award
As an organizer, compamedia has been awarding the TOP 100 seal for special innovative strength and above-average innovation success to medium-sized companies since 1993. Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke has been leading the scientific management of the Award since 2002. Franke is the founder and director of the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. With 25 research awards and over 200 publications, he is one of the leading innovation researchers internationally. For the 2021 evaluation, the researchers used around 120 test criteria from five categories as a basis: Top management promoting innovation, innovation climate, innovative processes and organization, external orientation / open innovation and innovation success. Project partners are the Fraunhofer Society for the Promotion of Applied Research and the BVMW SME Association.
On November 26th there will be another reason to celebrate: Then all the winners of the current TOP 100 year will come together to receive the congratulations from science journalist and Top 100 mentor Ranga Yogeshwar at the 7th German SME Summit in Ludwigsburg.
Tina Beitlich
Kalkstraße 101
09117 Chemnitz
+49 371 909411-0
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